Liturgical Calendars

Liturgical Calendars for the following years are available from the Archdiocese Website.
Click on the links below to view.
Liturgical Calendars for the following years are available from the Archdiocese Website.
Click on the links below to view.
Doa Bunda Maria Indonesia
This week we celebrate Mary as Our Lady of Indonesia. Enclosed is a prayer to
Our Lady of Indonesia. Faith come to Indonesia through the early Portuguese
Christians and their deep celebration of their faith.
The Portuguese very early established churches in Malacca and the
“Spice Islands” – the Moluccas. Perhaps the most famous missionary
was not Portuguese, but Basque – St Francis Xavier.
With these first Christians came a deep devotion to Our Lady. But not long
after Xavier, the Dutch defeated the Portuguese and took their
territories in what is now Indonesia. They expelled the Catholic
missionaries and replaced them with Calvinists. Catholics struggles
under the Dutch and then the Muslim governments. Today there are over
eight million Catholics in Indonesia which makes it the second
largest Catholic community in East Asia and larger than Australia.
Faith in Indonesia has a particular flavour and expresses local culture. The
wonderful communities in Flores and the Moluccas have a different flavour
than Javanese Catholicism. Each is deeply faithful and expresses faith through
Prayer to Our Lady of Indonesia
Our Lady of Indonesia, God’s plan, and that of your Son Jesus Christ, have been
lovingly realised in and through you. Pray for us, the people
of Indonesia so that we may become good citizens of this land. Assist us in
reaching our life’s goals for a better future for our families.
Strengthen our faith, hope and love, so that we do not get carried away by the
lures of this world but stand firm in the teachings of your
Son Jesus. Transform us into witnesses for peace and justice, so that we may
attain the success and happiness promised by your son to those who believe in
Teach us to let go of all bitterness and divisions among us, so that
whoever joins our families and communities will experience the loving guidance
of the Holy Spirit. At the end of our lives bring us together again with you, in
communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God Bless you all
Parish Priest
Bryan J Pipins
31st December, New Year Eve Mass at 11pm followed by coffee, tea and nibbles to welcome 2024. All are welcome.
1st January, Solemnity of the Mother of God, Mass at 7am.
Starting 1st January 2024 all daily masses will begin at 7am
Tuesday and Thursday:
– 7 am: Mass
– 7.30am to 8am : Silent Adoration
Wednesday and Friday:
– 7am : Mass
– 7.30am to 8am: Rosary.
Ash Wednesday – Mass at 7pm
Stations of the Cross – Every Friday at 7pm
Mass Times :