Children's Liturgy of the Word
Childrens Liturgy is presently conducted at the 9am Mass at St.Mary’s most Sundays
During school holidays it is usually suspended.
These classes are presented by 2 leaders per session,who are volunteer mums,dads and young adults 17 years and older. In these classes the scriptures for the week of the Catholic Church calendar are read and explained in a format they understand.
The Liturgy begins with a blessing from Fr.John at the beginning of Mass,then the leaders and children process out carrying a wooden cross and Children’s Bible. They will return at the Offertory part of the Mass.
The children process to a special room where they sit on the floor around a small prayer table draped with the colour representing the liturgical season, showing the children that this is a holy area where God is present. The liturgy then proceeds with a prayer or a song ,followed by one of the readings and the Gospel. They are brought top life with activities such as creative reflections, through involving them in the readings,prayers,acting out the liturgies and explaining how they relate to their young lives
All our leaders are given notes outlining the weeks scriptures and are provided with training on ways to bring them to life.
The ministry ia very special and rewarding as it is so amazing at just how the very young relate to God in their lives.I often feel that they are there to teach us rather than the other way around
Please come and join our team. we are always looking for more help.
Ministry Co-ordinator: Rhiannon Saunders
Please contact the parish office to register your interest in this Ministry.
Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Friday - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Phone: 07 55299144